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Where can a career in technology, cyber and STEM take you?

Register your interest for your Year 8, 9 and 10 girls to attend HerTechPath's STEM Careers For Girls Day!

The mission we share with HerTechPath's sponsors is to increase the number of women in tech careers in every industry across Australia. Since 2016 HerTechPath has engaged with more than 6000 students with our members generously volunteering their time as visible role models for girls in schools.

We know that "it's easier to be what you can see" so HerTechPath is excited to offer a dedicated STEM Careers For Girls Day that will showcase the variety of careers available in STEM with the opportunity for girls to meet women working in diverse roles, including entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, business executives and more.

The STEM Careers For Girls Day will run from 9:30am to 2:45pm (date in Term 4 to be confirmed) and includes the following sessions and activities:

  • Inspiring keynote speakers
  • Speed networking with women working in STEM for girls to learn about the diverse career options and ask questions about their careers, study paths and current roles
  • Rotation of interactive sessions run by HerTechPath's sponsors for girls to get hands-on experience in different aspects of STEM
  • Values and strengths session delivered by a TEDx Speaker
  • Introduction to the Ikigai Canvas so that girls can start to identify their personal purpose
  • "Next steps" session where girls can go next to learn more about careers in STEM

We hope that the girls who attend gain these benefits:

  • Girls hear from a variety of women about their diverse careers in STEM, as visible role models
  • Girls understand that STEM permeates all industries and potential jobs and can identify potential career options
  • Girls get an understanding of their own personal strengths and values, and start their own personal Ikigai Canvas
  • Girls know where they can go for more information about STEM careers, and how they can keep learning more
Please register your interest for your Year 8, 9 and 10 girls to attend the STEM Careers For Girls Day via the link above. If you have any Year 7 girls who you think would benefit, then please let us know. Also, if any Year 11 girls would also like to join (pending any exam requirements), they are also welcome. 
HTP Committee Ministers
Modern cyber girl with technolgy eye looking into blue iris
Young business person working with a notebook

Why Technology Careers?

Because every workplace in every sector is being impacted by advances in technology. These changes influence how workplaces operate, engage with customers, and how they impact our community. Every organisation, business and workplace is either impacted and influenced by technology now or will be in the future.

We believe that every organisation is a tech organisation, and that each of us is impacted by technology advances in how we connect, purchase products and services, learn, work and play. 

What does this mean for women?

Imagine a world where women are equally represented in tech careers. Where women are supported and inspired to start, pivot or adapt their careers in tech through a network and events that broaden their views of tech careers and support them to see what is possible through their connections. Where women equally contribute to solving the complex, wicked problems of our community and planet through tech.

A career in tech will touch every person in every workplace as we transition to web 3.0, are more fully immersed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and engage with next gen technologies in every industry.

What does this mean for girls?

It's easier for girls to be what they can see. Jobs in the tech industry aren't just information technology related. We need data scientists, programmers, and software architects. We also need business analysts, human resources, marketing, sales people, managers, entrepreneurs and consultants.

New and different jobs are being created all the time, and these are being influenced by technology itself and the role models that girls can look up to in order to imagine a career for themselves in tech, cyber or STEM.